This is the official post of the methodology for my Write-a-Thon Sweater give away.

Prize: One hand-knit sweater made by me, for you, in your choice of color and style. (Within reason.)

To enter: Donate at least $20 to the Clarion Write-A-Thon on my page and give your name when you do! For obvious reasons, I cannot enter ‘anonymous’ in the contest.  Anyone within reasonable mailing distance is eligible to win.  Residents of my house are ineligible because that would be silly.

Contest closes: August 5! This is the last day of the write-a-thon and the last day you can enter.

Drawing: August 6 I will assign a number to each person who donated $20 or more, alphabetically, and use a random number generator (Bash shell’s built in Random) on my computer to pick the winner.  I’ll have my husband Brian, non-participant and Most Honest Man Alive watch over my shoulder and confirm I’m not cheating.

Odds of winning: 1/number of participants. Currently that’s 19.

Winner (and everyone else) will be notified August 6 via email, or later by whatever means necessary if I don’t have your email address.

Sweater will be delivered by December 1, 2017.  Sweater bears no cash value and cannot be exchanged.  Void where prohibited. (Like, what isn’t?) Lawyer friends let me know if I’m missing any legal requirements here.  In general, this is just a friendly charity-raising thing done voluntarily by me and no one else is liable in any way. Hugs and kisses.


…. [edit] And the winner is:

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