A cartoon writer imagines a brown-skinned crew on a spaceship, a cartoon reader imagines they are white.

The Benefit of Imaginary Friends

Scientists have discovered that we build pathways in our minds for our fictional friends the same as for people we’ve actually met.  (Article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-storytelling-animal/201206/the-power-fake-gay-and-black-friends ) So yes, you really can say Janet on the Good Place is your best friend. Your brain feels the same about her as it does Read more…

pulp magazine cover Planet Stories

Women in Pulp

I asked for blog post suggestions, willing to write about anything, and this topic was suggested by Tom Allman. When I did my Visible Women in Science Fiction Magazines project, I identified 143 unique female names, across 410 credits. I actually found that the drop off from “stars” with over Read more…