WisCon is my favorite convention. Really, it is. Being in an environment SO liberal that I am not an outlier is like … being a mermaid returned to an ocean she hasn’t seen since babyhood. I can breathe free.

Madison, Wisconsin is also an adorable town. A college town and state capital. Every part of the town I’ve seen is lovely, and I’ve seen a lot, since I’ve walked from the airport to the town center, and from the bus station off the freeway to the town center, both about ten miles.

Look, I’m not smart when I travel alone, and I always opt for Free over Cheap.

The Madison Concourse hotel, too, is lovely, with a pool and a hot tub and a SAUNA, and a well-stocked bar. Everything a Reasie could want.

Though with Covid, things were … well, quiet. No Floomp dance party (it was replaced with a brunch which I unfortunately was scheduled against.) No parties. No off-site readings in the coffee shop. Not as many people hanging around the lobby or bar. We were all zipping into our panels and then back to our rooms like good little non-germ-spreaders.

But that’s what I missed most this year. I wanted to SEE people. To MEET people. To talk to PEOPLE. On the first day I was there, a woman said, “I know who you are, Marie Vibbert, we went to Case together!” While I was signing in at the Green Room. I never found her again to catch up! I don’t even know her name! She hangs over my head like a lost gem, like finding a twenty on the sidewalk, looking away, and the wind has taken it.

But I did enjoy the panels I went to. Particularly “Math as Metaphor, Math as Technology” which was a fun topic and a great conversation! The audience had good questions, too!

My friend Nyla split the drive up with me and she stocked our hotel room with so many snacks and meals that there was no need to go outside. I ate better than usual, to be honest!

I signed up for a few volunteer shifts in hopes of running into more people. Alas, only 3 people came in when I was manning the con suite, but I did enjoy being the Tampon Fairy, checking the baskets of goodies in all the public restrooms an re-stocking them. The WisCon online site made it easy to volunteer whenever you had a free hour.

I sold the two copies of my book I brought with me to random people I chatted with, which allowed me to buy two drinks in the bar. 😀

Overall, a wonderful con. I look forward to attending next year with fewer fears of pandemic? Maybe?

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