two cute cartoon slugs

My Zerg Armada

The Zerg were  a race in a videogame whose main strength was cheap units (Zerglings) and their main strategy was to keep churning them out until you buried your enemies in Zerg. I kinda loved playing as the Zerg. NB: if you google ‘Zerg Swarm” you get an adorable Google Read more…

Cartoon of two women, one tall and white with a thumbs down, one short and black with a thumbs up

Serial Dreams

So, I had an informal poll on my facebook page: What would my Curious Fictions subscribers like for their exclusive subscriber-only content? I offered to post unpublished flash fiction, works in progress, or a serialized novel. Serialized Novel won out BIG TIME. This leaves me, however, with the question of Read more…

thoughtful face thinking about sawing a limb off a tree

From Concept to Pitch

On Saturday, November 10, I attended a sweet workshop at Case Western Reserve University’s Writing Center.  The presenter was Linda Robertson, and the topic was “Speculative Fiction: From Concept to Pitch.” Attendees were asked to submit a brief (one page) story concept, and in addition to taking us through the Read more…