Cartoon of a robot idly looking at pictures while other robots fight in the background

Who Would Win?

Why do we spend so much time speculating about who would win in a fight?  Mostly it’s a cherished pastime of super hero fandom, but I’ve seen “Who would win?” arguments pitching Samurai vs. Knights, Caesar Vs. Napoleon, Mr. Darcy Vs. Heathcliff (okay I never saw that one but c’mon! Read more…

a bald man with glasses

Sexism and Genre Snobbery

I’ve written before about the bizarre snobbery in genre fiction, where some genres (science fiction) think they are better than others (fantasy). In the SF community this snobbery usually takes the form of, “That trope isn’t plausible. This isn’t SF, it’s fantasy!” (As though a fantasy magazine would buy your Read more…

Marie suns herself in her space dress.

Vanity in America

I’m starting to wonder if my culture has turned a vice into a virtue. We are inundated constantly by the industries that profit off of vanity. Imaginary new “problems” are invented for perfect people – do you have thigh gap? Are your teeth white enough? Are your eyebrows the right Read more…