Marie in her living room wearing a blue and white knit shawl

Write-a-thon 2020 is Done!

Over the past six weeks, I pledged to write 100,000 words for the Clarion Write-a-Thon, to raise money for scholarships to attend the Clarion Science Fiction Writing Workshop. The write-a-thon was exactly like it was back in the before-times since it’s an entirely online event, which feels … nice. Check Read more…

cartoon Marie on her laptop

Write-a-Thon 2023

Clarion is not running a write-a-thon this year, which made me panic, because I had been for the past two years promising to return to my 50-stories goal and failing to because I had a novel on deadline. (Good problem to have.) My short story stash was running dry! But Read more…